Friday, December 09, 2005


The last week or so, the nausea has kicked in a big way. Last year, right between 7-8 weeks was the worst of it, and it seems to be the same this time. I remember that after about 8 weeks, it got more sporadic - I kept thinking it was gone for good and then it would come back to taunt me.

The Pad apparently is quite the picky eater. So far he/she loves iced tea - I had been avoiding it because of the caffeine, but it's one of the only things that quells the morning nausea. However, his/her first experiment with oriental rice crackers, which I usually love, did not go so well (eating half the tub in one sitting probably did not help).

I have to learn to eat several small meals instead of letting myself get hungry and then eating a giant meal all at once. It makes me feel like I'm going to die. I ate a vat of Pad Thai yesterday and while I enjoyed every minute of it, I did not enjoy the next few hours.

Not much else is new. The "new job" (i.e., extra responsibilities with not-yet forthcoming extra money and title) is busy this week, as I have some budget stuff due today and I've never done the budget before. I did speak to my former boss on the phone yesterday - she and I got pretty close in the last few months, especially after Joseph died - I hadn't known it, but she had had fertility problems and several miscarriages before having her two sons (now 2 and 27 months). So it seemed natural to tell her about the Pad, even though I'm not "out" at work yet and won't be for at least a month. I think she was more excited for me than my own mother, which was nice. I miss her.


At Friday, December 09, 2005 7:02:00 PM, Blogger Mrs.X said...

Minimal caffiene won't hurt. I had a list from my Dr somewhere of what is safe and what's not as far as caffiene. Point is? Check.


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